We seek to provide all stakeholders with the information they need to understand and make decisions about our company.
We publish an annual sustainability report prepared with reference to third-party standards and frameworks, including the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB), the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (U.N. SDGs).
Additionally, we publish a Supplier Diversity Annual Report as well as provide data annually through the Edison Electric Institute reporting template for investors and the carbon emissions and electricity mix reporting template for customers.
SCEs workforce reflects the rich diversity of Southern California and the utility has made its consolidated EEO-1 report publicly available.
EEI ESG Initiative
Edison International is pleased to participate in the Edison Electric Institute (EEI) ESG Initiative. We are among EEI member companies voluntarily disclosing ESG information through a reporting template that EEI developed in collaboration with investors and member companies. We share the goals of the EEI ESG Initiative to provide investors and other stakeholders with relevant and easily accessible ESG data.
Sustainable Financing Framework
Edison International published a Sustainable Financing Framework in June 2021 to demonstrate how we intend to enter into financing transactions to support our sustainability-oriented strategy and vision. The framework considers the full spectrum of sustainable financing products and covers financing issuances for Edison International (and its subsidiaries and/or affiliates). It represents another part of our effort to keep costs affordable for customers while achieving our sustainability goals. Sustainable financing-related documents, including the framework and associated second party opinion, along with allocation and impact reporting and associated assurance document(s), are provided below.
Framework Documents
Reporting Documents
Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) Materiality Assessment
We published our first materiality assessment in 2018. In 2021, we updated the assessment to reflect the evolution of our sustainability approach, as well as new insights related to stakeholder expectations and key and emerging trends.
Net-Zero Commitment and Sustainability Goals
Edison International is committed to achieving net-zero GHG emissions across Scopes 1, 2 and 3 by 2045, in alignment with economywide climate actions planned by the State of California. This covers the power SCE delivers to customers and Edison Internationals enterprise-wide operations, including supply chain.
In addition to this overarching commitment, the company has made additional long-term, public commitments related to five of our material ESG topics: Clean Energy Transition; Electrification; Diversity, Equity and Inclusion; Public Safety; and Workforce Health and Safety. They reflect the areas where we think we can have the biggest impact.

Thought Leadership
Edison International and its subsidiaries are accelerating concrete actions to mitigate and adapt to climate change, and to enable affordable approaches to achieving economywide net-zero goals through clean energy and electrification.
In 2024, Edison International published Reaching Net Zero: Accelerating California's Clean Energy Transition, our plan to reach net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2045 and support California's climate goals through a safe, reliable and affordable clean energy transition, including robust scenario analysis, risks and opportunities.
In 2023, Edison International published Countdown to 2045, an updated analysis of the bold steps needed to enable massive electrification growth and expand the grid while achieving the most feasible, affordable solutions to meet California's ambitious net-zero goal.
In 2022, Edison International published Adapting for Tomorrow, which shares key findings from SCEs Climate Adaptation Vulnerability Assessment and calls for increased collaboration between public and private stakeholders to successfully adapt while transitioning to a clean energy future that can be equitable for all.
In 2021, Edison International published Mind the Gap, our analysis of the policy changes and additions needed to ensure that California meets its 2030 greenhouse gas reduction goal a reduction vital for the state to ultimately achieve its goal to decarbonize its economy by 2045.
Sustainability at SCE
Since 2017, Edison International and Southern California Edison have contributed insight and recommendations through a series of reports analyzing the economywide investments needed to achieve California’s aggressive climate goals, while remaining resilient in the face of climate change and accomplishing an equitable transition to a clean energy future. These studies have assessed the least costly and most feasible path to address global warming and have advocated for the necessary policies and infrastructure that are required in California and nationally, including supporting customers through each step of the transition process.
California Assembly Bill 1305 — Voluntary Carbon Market Disclosures
Edison International is dedicated to transparency in disclosing our environmental impact. In compliance with AB 1305, we are committed to sharing information about voluntary carbon offsets and our progress toward net-zero emissions.
Though various voluntary and compliance-related disclosures, Edison International publishes information regarding our carbon footprint and emissions reduction goals and achievements. We also disclose our generation and delivery of carbon-free power through multiple avenues. Some of these disclosures are independently verified and others are subject to regulatory scrutiny because the data comes from required regulatory compliance filings and reporting instruments. Our GHG emissions are verified by an independent qualified third party.
As of December 2024, Edison International has not marketed, sold, or purchased voluntary carbon offsets.